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Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of the Eucharist is an inspiring film that every Catholic should see. During this time of Eucharistic Revival, this film provides a moving meditation on the beauty and the power of the Eucharist. It also invites and challenges viewers to become Eucharistic Missionaries.”

Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann

Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas

“The filmJesus ThirstsThe Miracle of the Eucharist, is a captivating and inspiring opportunity to experience the faith of so many, of all walks of life, in appreciating the great gift which is the Eucharist. No matter what walk of life we may be on, this film invites us to deepen our appreciation for the love of God in our lives as He shares it so intimately with us in the Eucharist. The Church exists for the Eucharist in a manner which ignites our hearts to experience Jesus’ thirst for us and our thirst for Jesus. Watching Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of the Eucharist is not watching a movie but entering into the hearts of others who have experienced what the meaning of the Eucharist is all about as the Lord truly shares His heart with us. We are grateful for this film as it enhances our gratitude for the gift of gifts and the sacrament of Sacraments – the Eucharist!”

Bishop Gerald M. Barbarito

Diocese of Palm Beach

“Thank you for allowing me to view ‘Jesus Thirsts’ and to offer my reflections on the film. I found the film very powerful. Its cinematography was beautiful and the music accompaniment was always appropriate and stirring. The method of presenting the Church’s authentic teaching on the Holy Eucharist by rooting the teaching in both the Old and New Testaments and then by reinforcing the Church’s teaching that the Crucified and Risen Body and Blood are really and substantially present under the appearances of bread and wine is catechetically effective. The story about the late Cardinal Van Thuan Nguyen was beautiful. In one and a half hours, the film addresses in a theologically correct and understandable way issues touching upon the nature and effects of the Eucharist from the relationship of Mary to the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist to Eucharistic adoration that is being readily embraced by young Catholic students and adults involved with FOCUS which is present in my Diocese and the relation between faith and science in understanding Eucharistic miracles. Having the Venerable Fulton J. Sheen’s words about the effect of his daily Holy Hour on his preaching and teaching to end the film was brilliant. When I finished viewing the film, I sat back and said, “This film will leave the audience in silence”. How appropriate! Congratulations!”

Bishop Robert J. McManus

Diocese of Worcester

“This wonderful new film, Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of the Eucharist, will engage, inform, and inspire you and your family with a more profound understanding and love of the Eucharist. I highly encourage the faithful of all ages to see this movie – you will be blessed!”

Bishop David L. Toups

Diocese of Beaumont

“As the Church in the United States celebrates the Eucharistic Revival, goes on Eucharistic pilgrimage together across the country and prepares for the Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis, one of the greatest ways for us to grow in Eucharistic knowledge, faith, amazement, gratitude, love and life is the literally awesome documentary Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of the Eucharist. It will help all Catholics, young and old, hot or cold, well-catechized or just beginning, to meet Jesus’ infinite thirst with our thirst so that we may make him in the daily miracle of the Eucharist the source, summit, root and center of our life.”

Fr. Roger Landry

Catholic Chaplain, Columbia University, National Eucharist Preacher and Seton Eucharistic Pilgrimage Chaplain

“Jesus Thirsts is a compelling cinematic teaching about the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. It offers catechetical teaching which then is reinforced by Eucharistic witness of people and events. After watching, a viewer cannot walk away without believing in the true presence.”

Fr. Edward Looney, STL

Pastor, Author and Podcaster

“Jesus Thirsts tells amazing stories from people all over the world whose lives have been transformed by the Presence of Christ in the Eucharist…I encourage you to bring people in your lives or friends or your family who maybe do not know if they believe in Jesus in the Eucharist or do not maybe ever think about it.  Maybe they are Catholics who go to mass but never thought that Jesus is truly present – bring them.”

Sr. Nancy Usselmann, FSP

Director, Pauline Center for Media Studies

Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of the Eucharist” gives audiences all the information they want and all the inspiration they need to live a truly Eucharistic life. Whether you’re convinced by the Church’s teaching or just curious about it, this richly beautiful film is for you.”

Jaymie Stuart Wolfe

Author, Editor, Columnist, Our Sunday Visitor News

“In this turbulent world, Jesus Thirsts is what we need to remind us that Jesus is fully present in the Eucharist. Hats off to Deacon Steve Greco, the visionary behind this film and all the producers of the film.”

Mathilde Ambroise

Ignis Spiritus Sancti Ministries

“We have a classic on our hands. How this documentary explains the Eucharist and its importance in the life of a Christian is unparalleled.  Interspersed throughout the film is information that speaks to the head and the heart. My hope is that the believer and unbeliever will have a bunch of aha moments where they get a deeper understanding of the Eucharist because of this film.  This is a unique opportunity for you to support God‘s work in film. Go see Jesus Thirsts.”

Fr. Darrin Merlino, CMF

CEO and Founder of Catholic Media Missionaries, host of Hound of Heaven TV show, and Theological consultant to Nefarious

“Jesus Thirsts is a way to dive deeper in love with Jesus in the Eucharist and the way that He continues to pursue us so intimately.  I love the idea that you are what you eat and so the more that we get to consume Jesus the more we become like Him.  This movie is such a beautiful way to dive deeper into that mystery of who God is. It’s one of those movies that you could watch over and over again and glean something else from it.”

Kristine Bremer

Director of Engagement & Encounter, Our Lady of Malibu Church

Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of the Eucharist comes to us at the most perfect time. This fast moving and compelling documentary highlights the unfathomable beauty and power of Jesus’ absolute true presence in the Eucharist.

Vibrant scenes, stories, and authoritative spokespersons show how the Eucharist is rooted in both the Old and New Testaments, and convincing testimonies give cause for us to pause and pay attention. 

Jesus is real! Jesus is alive! Jesus thirsts for our love! I cant recommend this film highly enough!”

Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle

EWTN TV Host, international speaker, award-winning journalist, and best-selling Author of 35 books, including: 30 Marian Eucharistic Visits: Adoring Jesus with His Mother